$100 Tip and She didn’t like Him
About 5:30 I get a call to a monster apartment complex close by (I’m taking thousands of apartments). I almost get there and the rider calls me and gives me More of the Story
About 5:30 I get a call to a monster apartment complex close by (I’m taking thousands of apartments). I almost get there and the rider calls me and gives me More of the Story
I guess I’m addicted to $100 tips! They sure can make a day. About 7:00 pm the phone said go to Earls. For those in the Denver area, Earls is More of the Story
About 6:30 pm on a Tuesday I got a ride at Park Meadows Mall to Castle Rock Mall. A 15 minute drive from the south suburb in the Denver Metro More of the Story
Its a good thing this ride came during daylight hours as it was scary enough. Even though the sun set towards the end of the ride, 15 minutes later and More of the Story
A robot walks into a bar and tells the bartender he’s a little tight and wants to loosen up. What does the bartender serve? A screwdriver.
Tonight I met a guy who you have to admire. He is a therapist focused on the developmentally challenged that are registered sex offenders. That has to be a challenging More of the Story